At Mapu Maia, we aim to provide services that are accessible to Pacific peoples. We deliver clinical interventions (talatalanoa) in English, Samoan and Tongan. We can also provide at-home services for individuals, couples, family groups, peer support and clinical groups.

Our services are free and confidential. Currently Mapu Maia delivers talatalanoa through the following:
Clients are asked if they wish to be gender matched with a Mapu Maia clinician and language is offered in English, Samoan or Tongan. Other specific languages are sourced externally if required by the client.

Either together or separately as the family require. Specific culture, gender and co-existing needs of the individuals are assessed and supported through the Talatalanoa.
Phone, text, social media, and emails
For clients and families who we are unable to see face to face we provide online and phone services.

Group therapy
Mapu Maia has been successful in running groups for the past 6 years in Auckland, Porirua and Christchurch. Group programmes are usually between 6 and 8 weeks, with some groups extending to 10 weeks. We focus on addiction, co-existing issues (such as mental health and family violence) and wellbeing. The programme is facilitated by a Mapu Maia clinician, and at the end of the programme a group evaluation is completed.
Family group
Often there is conflict and hurt in the family when they seek help. Mapu Maia clinicians will work with the whole family to assist with underlying issues. This is usually in the family home environment and cultural engagement is critical to breaking down barriers to talatalanoa. Family involvement in talatalanoa is part of the journey to wellness.

Our Clinical Team
Our National Clinical Team is a group of proud Pasifika healthcare professionals providing expert services across the country. With a focus on mental health, addiction services and more, they are committed to supporting and empowering our communities with compassion and the highest level of professional expertise.